Brady Campaign

CNN’s Jake Tapper Joins the Witch Hunt: Attacks Oregon Sheriff

Left-of-center media outlets began attacking the local sheriff from the Oregon county where the recent mass shooting occurred almost immediately after the tragedy. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence jumped in, and now the full weight of CNN has joined the dog-pile attack. Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin was first attacked for his pro-Second Amendment views, then the Brady campaign and CNN began attacking him for a Facebook post he allegedly made nearly three years ago. Yes, that means they targeted the sheriff and did opposition research on a leader currently handling a mass shooting in his county.

The Associated Press

Funny or Die PSA: Comedians Try to Act Gangsta, Mock Pro-Gun States

A March 12, a Funny or Die public service announcement for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence features an actor and actress trying to act gangsta with bb guns, waving them around and discussing states in which criminals who “wear leather jackets and scream at women” can most easily carry guns.

YouTube/Funny or Die